APA 7th edi
Hi, I have linked my citation to microsoft word, but I realise there were too many spaces inbetween my links, when i try to delete it and make it to a single line, it doesn't seem to work. Any idea how I can solve this?
Also my prof mentioned that my link shouldn't start in a new line, it should be connected with the previous sentence. I can't seem to format it that way as well. Any ideas?
You can change the line spacing of the Word (!) formatting style directly. You will want to change the "Bibliography" style and change the spacing to single spacing under "paragraph".
Basically what is shown here, but instead of changing the font, you'd change the line spacing.
The issue that it's putting the URL into the next line I cannot reproduce. Can you try this in a fresh document with just a couple of citations and APA selected?
After point 3, you'll notice they start the long link on the following line as it doesn't fit at the end of the Reference, the Lipscomb, A. Y. (2021... example.
The only places I don't see it starting a new line is when there are hyphens in the URL name and it makes a line break there. So based on what I know of APA, you are using it correctly in the image you showed. (it started a new line after musco- because of the hyphen).