I love this program. I got my new MacBook Air and have had nothing but problems with Zotero. It is inconsistent at best. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but the citation feature will only work a little bit of the time. Most of the time I get an error and asking me to troubleshoot. Here is the Zotero ID--59729844
  • Is Zotero generally inconsistent or just the word processor integration? If the former, we'd want some more examples. If it's just word processor integration -- what word processor and which exact version? Is this in one specific document or in multiple documents? Does it happen in a new document? What fixes the issue (since you seem to say you can use it for small periods at a time)?
  • edited 3 days ago
    I can tell you what helps. Restarting my computer helps, but only for a short time. I seem to have issues when I copy and paste something and then try to cite what I pasted. It will usually let me do it once, but not usually after that. I am using Microsoft Word for Mac version 16.94
  • (I understand you're frustrated, but I'm asking questions very deliberately, so please do take the time to answer them carefully).

    This one in particular is relevant -- one particular document or any document you work with?
  • I'm sorry. Any document. I appreciate your help!!
  • [JavaScript Error: "Calling -setData:forType: on NSPasteboardItem with nil `data` for type dyn.ah62d4rv4gu8ycyc2mu. @[setText:field.m:395]" {file: "resource://zotero-macword-integration/messagingGeneric.js" line: 216}]
    Do you use any utility software that interacts with your clipboard? If so, try disabling it.
  • edited 3 days ago
    Well, but also, what do you mean by "I seem to have issues when I copy and paste something and then try to cite what I pasted"? That's not how the Word plugin works. Can you explain the exact steps to reproduce?
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