Zotero asking me to insert citation when I want to add a bibliography

I am new to zotero. I am now having an issue that when I try to add a bibliography to a word document, it tells me that I have to add a citation first. I am using zotero for safari.
  • For the Zotero add-on to add a bibliography, you'd need to have items cited throughout the document. That's what that message says. Click in add/edit citation first, add a citation. Then you can add a bibliography.
  • I am not citing within the document. These are just references used to create the document
  • Then you have to select the citations in your Zotero (the software) and export them.
    See "Quick Copy" or "via Right click" here: https://www.zotero.org/support/creating_bibliographies
  • I tried all of the above. Not able to do it. I have the references in a folder on Zotero. Exporting I don’t know where to export to? Also, when trying to drag, it puts 1. On the line above each reference.
  • If you just want a bibliography of items in Zotero, select them, right -click --> create bibliography

    You probably want to read up or watch some videos on the cite functionality: understanding how the Word add-on works is very helpful
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