.bib file not showing any new entries
I can add new entries to Zotero and add them to a Word document (via the Zotero plugin). However, when I export my library as a .bib file (to upload to Overleaf), no new entries are showing up. All existing entries are Ok though. I have one entry that appears to break things. I don't know where it came from.
I meant that that when I navigate to File -> Export Library and export the library manually as a .bib file, the issue occurred.
But I managed to resolve the issue. For some reason, the old .bib file was cached, either by my OS or by Visual Studio Code, resulting in new changes not showing up. When I renamed the .bib file at export time from the pre-exisiting `bibliography.bib` to `bibliography_2.bib`, all of my problems disappeared. I think the problem occurred outside of Zotero (OS or Visual Studio Code level) so the issue can be marked as resolved.