Report ID 1919379726

edited 6 days ago
I was writing a child note for an item/article.

1) A box suddenly appeared with letters and numbers and it stayed on screen also when I managed to go to the Help/Debug menu.

2) The Zotero window flickered swiftly between two items, the blue markers, about 10 times per second. I counted from a short video I shot.

I could not make a screen dump since the computer was unresponsive. So I took photos and video with mobile phone of my computer screen. But debug submission in Zotero seems to have worked.

macOS 15.3.1
7.1-beta.13 (or probably beta.12, I had to restart the computer and Zotero may have updated itself)
  • edited 5 days ago
    That just looks like a key on your keyboard got stuck. That's the macOS popup when you hold down a letter with possible accents.
  • Ha ha wow, thanks!
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