I'm trying to begin using the OOo plugin (for OOo 2.2.1), and I keep getting a BASIC runtime error on oMark.Anchor.Select saying "property or method not found." This happens when I attempt to insert or update citations. I'm using alpha 4 of the plugin.
Initially, adding citations was working nicely, but when I tried adding the bibliography I got the same Basic error message. From then on, with this particular document, the same message comes up after(!) it adds a citation. It refuses to build the bibliography (although a {Bibliography} field does appear), and the same error message appears.
This seems to be some sort of .odt file corruption, as I'm able to build citations and a bibliography on a new document. If I copy-paste the "corrupted" contents into a new one, at first it asks for the general settings (style, bookmarks or refmarks) and recognizes the pasted citations, but has the same problem.
The error message is:
BASIC runtime error. Property or method not found
And within the Macro windows, it points to
Sub subSelect(oMark)
The "Calls" in the lower right corner of the Macros error window
highlights the first line of the following:
0: subSelect(oMark=)
1: fnUpdate(False=False,False=False)
2: ZoteroIsertCitation
(lines number 1 and 2 are different if inserting bibliography or updating)
I'm running :
Zotero 1.0.0rc3
Firefox 2.2.0-1ubuntu3
(on Ubuntu 7.04)
Using Chicago manual of style and ReferenceMarks.
Cheers (and thanks for any input)
Congratulations on a great piece of free software!!
It turns out the problem I reported in my previous post was due to a citation that I must have accidentally deleted from the zotero database.
As soon as I eliminated this citation (I was able to single it out because it was among about 10 that did not change style when I switched to IEEE from author-date), everything was back to normal.
The plugin freaks out when a citation loses its referred zotero database entry.
It might be a good idea if this could generate some sort of intelligible error message. It'd be great if the problematic citation could be singled out...
My apologies if this has already been described elsewhere... I wasn't able to find it.