Multiple inactive icons remain on my dock

This discussion was created from comments split from: Stuck on "Check for Updates".
  • I can't update to 7.0. Multiple inactive icons remain on my dock. Restarting by clicking on one of them won't let me log in. How do I get rid of multiple icons?
  • edited 21 days ago
    (Please start new threads for new issues — the thread you posted to isn't related. I've moved this to a new thread.)

    This is macOS? Zotero is just a standard Mac application, and we can't provide general OS guidance, but you should just quit any open version of Zotero, remove all the icons from the Dock, and reinstall the app from the download page.

    (I'm not sure what you mean by "Restarting by clicking on one of them won't let me log in", though, so you might need to say more.)
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