Attach Link to specified URL

I would like an additional menu item in the "New Child Attachment" menu that allows me to attach a link to any URL I specify. Currently we can only attach links to existing web pages (and only by browsing to the page first) and links to files accessible from our computers (either locally or over a network). However, there are many other things that one could link to. These include specific bookmarks within a large Word document and specific pages or paragraphs within Microsoft OneNote.

I use OneNote extensively to store my research, all of my class notes, outlines of projects, and general information hoarding. Essentially, I use OneNote for all of my knowledge work other than the production of the final document for "publication." ALL of my information is in OneNote. I find OneNote to be much easier for organizing my notes and comments as well as the full page text and .PDFs of articles I download. While Zotero is great for gathering up bibliographical information, I find it lacking in terms of taking additional notes due to the "segmented" nature of the note-taking system. As with almost all other note-taking systems, Zotero forces one to place notes in separate boxes that one can only look at one at a time. (OK, you can open up multiple different note windows but you still have to find and open each one then arrange the windows so you can see everything.) In OneNote I can just scroll through a list of all my notes on a particular article and then cut and paste the notes I want to use for a particular paper and arrange them all in an intricate outline. Using OneNote's link to paragraph feature I can always jump back to the original notes if I need additional information.

Anyway, you can see why I use OneNote rather than Zotero for organizing my notes and only use Zotero for my bibliography database.

However, when I am looking up bibliography entries in Zotero, it would be nice to be able to click a link and have that take me directly to the article, and all my notes about it, stored in OneNote. OneNote already will create the appropriate link and put it in the clipboard. All I need Zotero to do is allow me to paste that link into a field and attach it to the Zotero bibliography item. This does not have to be a special field, designed specifically for OneNote. Just a regular field that allows me to paste a regular URL will do just fine. When OneNote is installed on a computer it installs the necessary associations to cause any URLs that start with "onenote:///" to simply open OneNote rather than a web browser. Therefore adding this feature to Zotero would benefit all users who want to type in (or cut and paste) their own URLs rather than simply grabbing the URL for the currently displayed web page.
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