Disable scroll on hover PDF
When I have a PDF open and move my mouse over the top or bottom of the document, it starts scrolling. In order to stop the scrolling, I have to move my mouse off the side of the document—the document will keep scrolling forever if I move my mouse off the top or bottom.
As a result, if I'm trying to work with a PDF open on part of my screen and I accidentally run my cursor over it, it will start scrolling the PDF until I move my cursor in the magic right way to get it to stop. This is very annoying.
I'm not sure if this is a bug on Linux (Ubuntu 24.04.01 LTS running X11, Zotero 7.0.11 (64-bit)), and it should actually stop the scrolling when the cursor exits the window from the top or bottom, or if this is correct behavior which is just very annoying for people who need to reference information in PDFs while having other windows open. In the latter case, it would be great if there was a button to disable hover-scrolling. An intuitive option would be to allow for the "______ Scrolling" options under the "View" menu to all be un-checked. At present one of the three options must always be checked. It's not clear to me whether those options have any effect on scroll-wheel or arrow scrolling.
As a result, if I'm trying to work with a PDF open on part of my screen and I accidentally run my cursor over it, it will start scrolling the PDF until I move my cursor in the magic right way to get it to stop. This is very annoying.
I'm not sure if this is a bug on Linux (Ubuntu 24.04.01 LTS running X11, Zotero 7.0.11 (64-bit)), and it should actually stop the scrolling when the cursor exits the window from the top or bottom, or if this is correct behavior which is just very annoying for people who need to reference information in PDFs while having other windows open. In the latter case, it would be great if there was a button to disable hover-scrolling. An intuitive option would be to allow for the "______ Scrolling" options under the "View" menu to all be un-checked. At present one of the three options must always be checked. It's not clear to me whether those options have any effect on scroll-wheel or arrow scrolling.
I've also heard this referred to as "edge scrolling"—is that a known feature?
2) Do you observe this behavior immediately after opening Zotero and a PDF file, without clicking anywhere in the Zotero Reader? In other words, is there a clear pattern regarding when this behavior starts?