Updating biblography fails with error

I have been working on a text for a while and suddenly I am getting the following behaviour (after Zotero updated itself to 7.1-beta.8+2afbe030d (64-bit) if it's relevant).

a. Adding or editing an in-text citation fails with an error popup and the pre-existing bibliography changes to Normal style in Word 2019. Adding a citation creates this citation: {Citation}

b. Adding or editing an in-text citation works fine if I delete the bibliography.

c. Adding the bibliography works fine and it is displayed correctly in the bibliography style, until I do (a).

d. I am not getting any of this if I create a new document or if I copy/paste the problem document into a new one.

e. I am getting (a) even if I delete the bibliography and all text in the document and try to add the first citation.

I could carry on working without a bibliography to take advantage of (b) and add it later but I would rather not have to do that, and there may be a bug that needs fixing.

I could also copy/paste the text into a new document to take advantage of (d), but I would have to re-define all sorts of styles, headings etc.
  • Update: I save the document every evening and I have text1, text2.... I tried several earlier versions that worked OK and I am getting the same problem, so something must have changed in the software. It's not something in the text.

    I forced Zotero to reinstall the Word extension, and it didn't fix anything.
  • edited January 30, 2025
    Can you revert to Zotero stable (from the homepage) to test?
  • Yes, Zotero stable works as expected. Thanks.

    My take on the earlier symptoms is that something changed in the latest beta that interfered with how the bibliography is updated (but not created) and it probably has something to do with the application of the Bibliography style in Word.

    How do I prevent the installation of beta versions? I am all for testing but at this point in my project, I'd rather not get surprises.
  • You only get the beta version when you explicitly install it -- I suspect you did that in anticipation of Zotero 7.0 -- betas were very stable then; now with the 7.1 betas there may again be more breakage.

    In other words, now that you're on the stable release channel, you will not get updated to a beta unless you install it.
  • Another clue if it helps: I have a couple of citations I edited manually. Every time I open the document and ask Zotero in Word to do something I am getting the usual warnings about Zotero offering to change the citations back or leave them alone. When I got the error pop-up I reported, it appeared before this format warning. This timing may say something.

    Also, my 'malformed' citations do not seem to be what triggers the error because I was getting the problem even when I deleted all text and tried to add the first citation, as in (e).
  • We are testing a bugfix to the Word plugin in the Zotero Beta. Could you follow the last step of Troubleshooting Errors in Word Processor Documents with the Zotero Beta and isolate a small portion of the document that reproduces this issue and send it to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread?
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