Improvement suggestion: Change name of "Move Item to Trash" for attachments

edited January 29, 2025

Currently helping somebody with getting to grips with Zotero and one question was "How can I remove a falsely attached .pdf of an item"?
I was a bit perplexed as I would've thought that's quite self explanatory, but I can now see that the wording that is used might not be super clear:

"Move Item To Trash..." suggests that the whole item would be trashed. Could this option be changed to something more descriptive, like "Move Attachment To Trash..."?
  • edited January 29, 2025
    Attachments are items, and it's a context menu option on the attachment item.

    A bunch of the other menu items say "Item" as well, as you can see.
  • edited January 29, 2025
    If anything we'd just remove the noun altogether and have "Move to Trash"/etc.:

    But that's just to be less verbose. Attachments and notes are items, and they're always going to be described that way in various places. If someone thinks a context menu option on a child item is going to delete the parent item, it's just a fundamental misunderstanding of how context menus work, and I think that's out of scope for us to try to address.
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