Storage limit for collaborator

I have unlimited storage and I host a group which collaborators can edit. One of my collaborators can't sync because of an error about reaching a storage limit. Since I already pay for the storage for this group, why does this affect the ability of my collaborator to sync?
  • They'd need to post here with more details, but almost certainly the out of storage error is for their library or a private group, not your group, which should indeed continue syncing and only depend on your storage subscription.
  • Thank you adamsmith.

    Do you think if they are blocked from syncing their private group, then that would also block syncing my group?

    Or could this be a version issue? I'm using version 7, I will check their version.
  • To be clear, this would only ever effect file sync, data should continue syncing for all their libraries.

    I don't believe that being at/over your storage stops file sync for other libraries, no, but I'm only 95% sure of that.

    Versions don't matter, certainly not for that error. If they are not getting files synced to/from your group, they should follow and provide the requested information here.
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