italics, adding source, in APA 7; and in APA 7, sources are in capital, not sentence case

This is what Zotero generated, with 'University Wire' in italics, and 'Gifted kid burnout is very real' not italicized.

Farnham, N. (2023, March 22). “Gifted kid burnout” is very real. University Wire.

The APA coach says: Put italics on the title and please remove them from the source.

Also, just noting, including for myself, that I have to always check for sentence case and not capital case when Zotero pulls sources from online articles.
  • I assume "APA coach" is an AI app? Don't assume its advice is correct.

    Zotero treats this -- reasonably -- as a newspaper article and University Wire as the publication. The citation then is correct as is. You should also get this imported correctly in sentence case. Obviously Zotero can only import sentence case when that's provided by the publication.
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