disambiguation (in citations) does not work.

Zotero seems unable to handle the "disambiguate-by-name" etc. settings. It won't work, neither in Wordprocessors nor in the test pane chrome://zotero/content/tools/csledit.xul

For example, I have these books:
Gross, H., Alder, T., & Wessel, D. (2000). Gross. Zürich: Dieser.
Gross, H., Laus, R., & Kupfer, I. (2000). Geben. Stuttgart: Dort.

What I get as subsequent citations is always:
(Gross u. a., 2000)
(Gross u. a., 2000)

Other options, "et-al-min" (see code below, original APA) etc. are okay, I can change them and the output changes too, but this is not true for the "disambiguate-..."-section. It seems to me, as if zotero wouldn't "understand" this.

What could I try to get my citations disambiguated?

<option name="et-al-min" value="6"/>
<option name="et-al-use-first" value="1"/>
<option name="et-al-subsequent-min" value="3"/>
<option name="et-al-subsequent-use-first" value="1"/>
<option name="disambiguate-add-year-suffix" value="true"/>
<option name="disambiguate-add-names" value="true"/>
<option name="disambiguate-add-givenname" value="true"/>
<option name="collapse" value="year"/>

by the way: I use zotero 2.0.2, Firefox 3.6, tried to reinstall, change from german to english version - nothing happens.
  • yeah - I'm pretty sure I remember that Zotero currently doesn't do this right for subsequent citations - i.e. it checks if disambiguation is needed for the first citation and if it isn't, it doesn't use it for subsequent ones either.
    If memory serves me right, though, the new CSL processor does do that correctly - it's finished and will be part of Zotero 2.1
  • You've run into a bug in the processor triggered by styles like the APA, that are more aggressive about et al. truncation in subsequent references. To test the behavior, try switching to the style "Harvard Reference format 1".

    While it's not an immediate solution, the new citation processor that will be deployed in Zotero later this year works as expected in this case.
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