Need help individualizing Citationstyle "Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte"

Hey together,

I need to get some individual changes in the named Citationstyle and am looking for some help bc my knowledge in XML and the Zotero-coding-language are somewhat limited.
So here comes what I need etc.:

The standard of the Style had it, that Authornames on individual citations had an "forename name" arrangement and in the bibliography it change to an "name, forename" arrangement. And thats what we need for the whole doc, including individual, single, continuous and other citations.
Rn I managed to get first named authors of all these types of citations to be arranged like needed (name, forename) but for editors etc., named later in the citation, I just don't get it to work.
The line I used for the author arrangements is:
<name and="text" delimiter-precedes-et-al="never" delimiter-precedes-last="never" name-as-sort-order="first"/
Just copied it out of the bibliography.
But how do I get to use this for all other types of editors, authors etc.? I was not able to find that in the code.

Also something I don't know how to change;
Continuous or recurring citations include the phrase "wie Anm. [number]" and if I try to delete it, it changes to "note [number]". If I try to delete this out of the code or change it, the whole style crashes. Changing the phrasings also didn't work as far as I were able to edit the code.

Thanks in advance!
  • They key part is the name-as-sort-order="first".
    Add that to line 2 of the style, the line that start with <style....
    That line can set stuff like this for the whole style.
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