Zotero problems

Hi! I am having troubles with several of the Zotero footnotes in my word document. Some context: the document is a thesis draft of approx. 450 pages, around 1500 footnotes but not all the footnotes are zotero, some of them are "old-fashion" footnotes.

There appears to be several issues with some of the zotero footnotes, including:

- For some of the footnotes there is a lot of formatting showing, for example:
"issued":{"date-parts [["2020",7,1]]}},"locator":"753","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json

- Some places there are footnotes without a number which does not have a corresponding footnote in the text, and I don't know where it is coming from, but I know that it belongs somewhere else.. and some places there is only "footnote-text" without a footnote at the end of the page.

- some places the footnote does not have a number, even if there is a footnote-number in the text and some of the footnotes do not have a corresponding footnote in the text

- On one page there are 10 footnotes with the same number and with different content, that seem to belong somewhere else..

If I try to copy the footnotes and paste them into a different document they have the same issues. I have also tried saving the document in a new file, restarting zotero/updating zotero, restarting word and the computer etc.
  • edited January 23, 2025
    None of these sound like Zotero issues. Zotero doesn't technically insert footnotes, or footnote-citations. When you select a footnote style, Zotero insert a Word footnote for you, then inserts the citation into the body of the footnote. Afterwards you are free to format or edit the footnote further.

    Issues with footnote numbers being wrong or missing are due to them being edited in the Word processor. You will have to resolve those manually in Word whether inserted by Zotero or not.

    If field codes like
    "issued":{"date-parts [["2020",7,1]]}},"locator":"753","label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json
    are visible, see https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/word_field_codes.
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