Style Selection Pop-Up Not Working on Mac

Hi there,

I teach Zotero to students and have discovered a new problem with our Mac users. The Zotero tab appears correctly in their Word and Google Docs, but when they try to add a citation for the first time in a doc, the pop-up window to select the citation style does not appear. It's not hidden somewhere else; it does not show up at all. We've tried restarting Zotero, Chrome/Word, and the entire computer, and nothing helped.

Any guidance is greatly appreciated!
  • edited 5 days ago
    I also had this problem today and yesterday in two different classes affecting about 9 out of 26 students. Yesterday, we solved it by moving the Chrome students (both Mac and Windows) to Firefox, Edge, or Safari and they were then able to authenticate in Google Docs to Zotero, and insert citations. (Did not try Word yesterday). Today, mostly Mac students were inconsistently able to get the Zotero extension to respond (a few were able in Chrome, but others could not in any Google Docs regardless of Safari vs Firefox; one tried on Word which worked). I have a follow up appointment with one on Friday to get more details about versions, etc.
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