operate the advanced search

The advanced search is indispensable for big collections, simply because the quick search is too slow.
The results in the search window are shown just like in the browser tree, however all of this is not possible and SHOULD be:
-quick copy
-drag to copy and move

In short, all actions listed in the menu appearing after a right-click on a reference in the main Zotero pane.
The only way around is to save the search.
  • edited April 6, 2010
    Use saved search feature--you answered your own question.
  • But is there a reason that the various item operations can't be done without creating a saved search?
  • While it might seem counter-intuitive, it is actually almost as quick as using the advanced search button (one extra mouse click) to have a "general purpose" saved search and the use "edit saved search" context menu item to modify this for each search you wish to perform. This avoids the problem of saved searches cluttering up the left hand pane, or the inconvenience of constantly deleting old saved searches.
  • But is there a reason that the various item operations can't be done without creating a saved search?
    I can't imagine why they couldn't be, IMO it is likely that the developers have considered coding this a low priority given that there is a fairly painless workaround.
  • use "edit saved search" context menu item to modify this for each search you wish to perform
    Or double-click, actually.

    But, yes, more operations should be possible in the advanced search window. Ticket created.
  • Thank you!
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