Customizable item types?
Hi everyone,
I want to create my own virtual library with my collection, and I was wondering if there was a way to create/customize the item types to better fit my needs (my collection is mainly composed of underground publications, such as zines and fanzines)?
Here is an idea of what kind of items types I would like to have for each of the article in my collection :
1. Author
2. Publisher/editor
3. Year of publication
4. Title
5. Place of publication
6. Number of pages
7. Langage(s)
8. Section/location (where the publication is kept in my collection)
9. Collection (I want to create sub-collections)
10. Archive funds (some people gave my their works and stuff)
11. Genre
12. Subject(s)
13. Dimensions (so I or other people can look for publications by their size, which vary widely)
14. Impression (material used)
15. Number of prints for that particular work
16. Series
I would really like to use Zotero, but I find the item types proposed a little bit restrictive. So if anibody knows a way around or can help me in my endeavor, any advice would help and be very appreciated.
(I'm sorry if I made any writing error : I'm french canadian).
I want to create my own virtual library with my collection, and I was wondering if there was a way to create/customize the item types to better fit my needs (my collection is mainly composed of underground publications, such as zines and fanzines)?
Here is an idea of what kind of items types I would like to have for each of the article in my collection :
1. Author
2. Publisher/editor
3. Year of publication
4. Title
5. Place of publication
6. Number of pages
7. Langage(s)
8. Section/location (where the publication is kept in my collection)
9. Collection (I want to create sub-collections)
10. Archive funds (some people gave my their works and stuff)
11. Genre
12. Subject(s)
13. Dimensions (so I or other people can look for publications by their size, which vary widely)
14. Impression (material used)
15. Number of prints for that particular work
16. Series
I would really like to use Zotero, but I find the item types proposed a little bit restrictive. So if anibody knows a way around or can help me in my endeavor, any advice would help and be very appreciated.
(I'm sorry if I made any writing error : I'm french canadian).