Find and use the Item-key

Hey guys,

i'm currently using a nice zotero to obsidian extenion named: zotlit.
i work pretty well, but what i want to archive of the template into obsidan are two things i is struggle with it.

1. i want to have under every imported annotation a link to the direct location in the Pdf.
i need for this the "Item-key" but i dont find the variable and i zotero should be a right click option to copy this key, but i dont get it.
And the code under the annotation like:^NLW4LYVQaSUA6FDY7p11. Is this the right annotation id or something else?

2. I want to archive that every annotation has a colour marker of the Colour used in zotero. I use a obsidian extension: highlightr and want to archive this

in every highlight the colour id is change with the actuall one.

I hope you can understand my idea and wishes. :)

Happy to hear of you guys
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