Style Request: [Revista Chilena de Derecho]
Online Style Documentation (Spanish/Español):
Online Style Documentation (English): Edit RChD 2022.11.24 INGLÉS.pdf
ISSN 0718-3437 (online)
ISSN 0716-0747 (papel)
Abbreviated footnote citation (Spanish/Español):
CAMPBELL y PEDERSEN [small caps for last names] (2007) pp. 310-311
MARES [small caps for last names] (2001) p. 190
Bibliography (Spanish/Español):
CAMPBELL [small caps for last names], John L. y PEDERSEN [small caps for last names], Ove K. (2007): "The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success", Comparative Political Studies, vol. 40, Nº 3: pp. 307–332.
MARES [small caps for last names], Isabela (2001): "Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?", en HALL [small caps for last names], Peter y SOSKICE [small caps for last names], David (edits.), Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage (New York: Oxford University Press) pp. 184–213.
Freely available paper formatted with the style:
Online Style Documentation (English): Edit RChD 2022.11.24 INGLÉS.pdf
ISSN 0718-3437 (online)
ISSN 0716-0747 (papel)
Abbreviated footnote citation (Spanish/Español):
CAMPBELL y PEDERSEN [small caps for last names] (2007) pp. 310-311
MARES [small caps for last names] (2001) p. 190
Bibliography (Spanish/Español):
CAMPBELL [small caps for last names], John L. y PEDERSEN [small caps for last names], Ove K. (2007): "The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success", Comparative Political Studies, vol. 40, Nº 3: pp. 307–332.
MARES [small caps for last names], Isabela (2001): "Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?", en HALL [small caps for last names], Peter y SOSKICE [small caps for last names], David (edits.), Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage (New York: Oxford University Press) pp. 184–213.
Freely available paper formatted with the style: