Importing library into Zotero on iPad

edited 26 days ago

I downloaded Zotero on my iPad and wanted to import my library that I created on my laptop.

I know that there is the syncing function if you have an account that stores your data online, but somehow when I created my account on my laptop a few years ago I opted for local storage only. So that’s the situation we‘re dealing with. :D My laptop is not available atm, so I can’t change that situation now.

I have exported the library from my old account in an .rdf file, but now I can’t seem to import it in my new account. I’m new to iOS in general, so maybe this is easier to fix than I thought and I’m just unfamiliar with the handling.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance:)
  • Syncing is the only way to do this (and the only way you'd want to do it, since you'd end up with duplicates if you exported and later synced).
  • Also you shouldn't have multiple accounts. If you're having trouble accessing your old account, email with details.
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