After editing stlye, word says it is invalid style and ruined citations

edited 6 days ago
Hello, I’m trying to edit the citation style to accommodate my native language. I’ve opened the style file in text document and, where it says ‘ibid.,’ I changed it to ‘იქვე,’ which is the correct equivalent in my language. However, after making that change, the citations that were previously using ‘ibid.’ are now showing up errors:
[CSL STYLE ERROR: reference with no printed form.]. გვ. 252-253

this is my style code:
  • you change terms in the locale section at the beginning of the style, so change the two instances of ibid (where now you have added some ds) back to "ibid" and then add the translation to the locale:
    <locale xml:lang="en">
    <term name="editor" form="verb-short">ed.</term>
    <term name="translator" form="verb-short">trans.</term>
    <term name="translator" form="short">trans.</term>
    <term name="editortranslator" form="verb-short">ed. and trans.</term>
    <term name="editortranslator" form="verb">Edited and translated by</term>
    <term name="translator" form="short">trans.</term>
    <term name="ibid">იქვე</term>

    Note that the rest of the style will still be in English and you'd have to proceed accordingly with any other labels or terms. Styles are automatically translated into many languages, but I'm afraid Georgian isn't one of them.
    (You can contribute a full set of translations for citation elements, though, which would get picked up by Zotero eventually: )
  • Thank for answer. I try to find this code what I put, in text file but cannot find them. there is 1200 lines of code but I cannot find it, what you have changed
  • you can't find where to put this? Just search for the first line.
  • edited 6 days ago
    Thanks bro, still could not configure it correctly, Bro can you see this photo?

    I need a citation exactly like this:

    1. Name is bold
    2. none of text is inclined like italic
    3. nothing is in brackets
    4. City und publisher name is so , Cite: publisher name.
    5. The year is not in brackets.

    Can you bro advise me citations that will add citation in the footnotes so:

    name. ''title'', City: publisher name, year.

  • (I realize English is not your native language, but I'm absolutely neither 'bro' nor 'brah', please, nor are most other people who answer you here).

    damnation advised you of the best way to go with this in your other thread. I don't think you'll find exactly that style, but certainly something closer than Chicago Manual, which is also quite complicated and hard to edit.

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