When merging duplicates, the link to the old and removed reference remains in the information
When preparing large Word files to be transformed to Linked Open Data, we noticed the occurrence of invalid Zotero links. We realised that these links are the links of references that don't exist any longer after being merged. Is there a way to make sure that all the links between Word and Zotero can be refreshed to the correct references, also after the merging of duplicates?
Thank you in advance.
An example:
Reference 1:
Where the item number is 45J99PR3.
Reference 2:
Where the item number is KV5DSED4
After merging:
Both links with these numbers remain after merging the duplicates.
Thank you in advance.
An example:
Reference 1:
Where the item number is 45J99PR3.
Reference 2:
Where the item number is KV5DSED4
After merging:
Both links with these numbers remain after merging the duplicates.
adamsmithI'm not quite clear what the issue is, are you seeing any problems after merge?Merging duplicate is intended to work like this: all item URIs (which, as per its label, is an identifier, not a link) for merged items are stored with the merged item in the database, so links to the database still work and the items should be updated treated as one for the purpose for the Word document.