My book has random unwanted hypelinks

I converted my book created in word to EPUB for ease of reading and as i read I notice some random words in my EPUB document were Blue, meaning that they were hyperlinked to a URL.
I used Zotero to create a bibliography and it works great for that. But i did not intentionally add url hyperlinks to a few key words in my book.

Can anyone tell me how or why Zotero added these hyperlinks to random words in my book?
  • Do you see the hyperlinks if you open the file outside of Zotero?
    How did you convert the word file to EPUB?
    Can you show a screenshot of these words in blue?
    Can you reproduce the problem in a simple file with only a few words and citations?
  • Though generally speaking I'd recommend unlinking citations in a (copy of a) document before converting to PDF, ePub, etc.
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