Citation Question: "With"
I have a few books that have a main author or translator but also include one or two other people listed as "with." For example: Translated by John Smith with Dale Cooper. I assume that they are mentioned that way because they did less work than the main person. Does Zotero have a way to include them as a secondary author/translator? TIA
bwiernikEnter these as “Contributor” in the creator dropdown in Zotero. These will be cited with “with” or similar in styles that support them (eg, APA style). Note that most styles have not yet been updated to include this creator and that most styles guides do not include these contributors in references.
adamsmithThough this will not work for non-primary contributors, right? In other words, contributors will always be listed after the first relevant group of creators (typically authors, sometimes editors, rarely translators). CSL/Zotero doesn't allow you to specify a contributing translator for a book with an author.
bwiernikAh, yes, there is only an option for a general contributor role, not one specific to other contributions. In the case of something like secondary translators, I would personally probably just enter as a general Contributor or omit this information.
aew23Thank you -- I think this answers my question.