Differences in the bibliography

I have a question regarding the bibliography. When i create a document and then create a bibliography, it looks like picture 1. when i try to create a bibliography for my thesis, it looks like picture 2. does anyone have any idea what the reason for this might be? as far as i can tell, the settings are identical. I use APA7.
  • I am assuming you have used the Zotero add-on in Word to add citations and then create a bibliography.
    If so the culprit might be the Word formatting style called "Bibliography". You can change the paragraph settings there.
    You can try switching to IEEE and then back to APA. That might reset things also.
  • Thank you for your fast response. You're right, I used the add-on and add citation function. I tried changing and recharging the format and it worked! thank you!

    I think it is worth mentioning that if you change and rechange the format to untick the "Automatically update citations" box. otherwise it might change the citations.
  • edited January 7, 2025
    I think it is worth mentioning that if you change and rechange the format to untick the "Automatically update citations" box. otherwise it might change the citations.
    Just to be clear, there's no need to do that. Zotero would just change them to the new format and change them back — Zotero is designed so that you can always losslessly change between citation styles.

    Disabling citation updates makes this trick slightly faster, but it's arguably a bug that it doesn't update the citations for this. Disabling automatic citation updates is for speeding up Add/Edit Citation. If you actually change the style, or make any other change in the Document Preferences window, it should really trigger a refresh.
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