CSL-style with both foot notes and in line citations?

Can you develop a reference style that uses both foot notes and in-line citations (like APA) simultaneously?

In the CSL you seem to have to choose between class="note" or class="in-text". But can they be used together? So when I'm writing and referring to a criminological source use APA in-text, and a bit later in the same text when citing a legal source, use OSCOLA in footnote? You could in such a combined style determine that certain item types are then generated as foot notes and others as in-text between brackets. For instance, item type "book" or "article" will be rendered as APA between brackets in-text, when you select a "legal case" however, that item type will be generated in a foot note? I could you Zotero in Word for APA citations and Word itself for foot notes, but the latter aren't automated then.

Thanks in advance for reply.
  • No, can't be done in CSL, but you _can_ have entirely different citation formats -- and e.g. have the legal case formatting be appropriate for a footnote and then just insert the footnote in your word processor and insert the citation there.
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