Inconsistent Subsequent Citations (Ibids)


I am having an odd problem. When I have multiple citations from the same source, sometimes the page numbers are put at the end and sometimes internally, but at different spots. Any idea on how I can make it consistently at the end?

First Citation: James Knight, The Natural, Moral, and Political History of Jamaica, ed. Jack P. Greene (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2020), 222.

Second Citation: Knight, 136, History of Jamaica, 2020.
Third Citation: Knight, 136, History of Jamaica, 2020.
Fourth Citation: Knight, History of Jamaica, 411–12, 2020.
Fifth Citation: Knight, 411–12, History of Jamaica, 2020.
Sixth Citation: Knight, History of Jamaica, 410–11, 2020.
Seventh Citation: Knight, 590–91, History of Jamaica, 2020.

  • Which style exactly (full title as you see it in the document prefs) is that?
  • I am using a custom citation style developed by my college librarian called pkc24. As I write this it makes me think this is is an result of how the style of developed and I'll need the librarian to tweak it or use a different style. What do you think?
  • Yes, that's right. You will need to ask the style's creator
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