failure in opening zotero in iPad

On the iPad today after updating to the latest version of zotero it kept flashing back and wouldn't open
  • Is it giving you a Report ID that you can provide?
  • Hey @CynthiaZJY, can you can try tapping and holding the app icon to get the shortcut actions, and select "My Library". This will launch the app without restoring the last open document, in case it is the reason the app crashes during launch. Let us know if this helps you and do also share any Report ID you may see.
  • 对的,我也是,ipad一直闪退
  • No help,i have tried.
  • I am also having this problem

    I have tried using the My Library icon and cannot get it to reopen. I have restarted, offloaded then reinstalled and finally uninstalled and then installed again but it is still having the same issue. It was working a few days ago. My phone is running ios16.
  • @yry2268172910, @Sstar16: Can you answer my question? Are you getting a Report ID you can share?
  • @dstillman no,i can't find any report ID. Where can I get it?
  • Does the app not show an alert when you start it again after it crashes?
  • no. I even can't open it.
  • yes,it did not provide.
  • It flashes back as soon as it is opened
  • edited 19 days ago
    I also met this problem. The error report may be as follows. I found that in the iPad Settings application.

    os_version":"iPhone OS 15.7.1 (19H117)

    [additional output removed — D.S.]
  • Please fix it. This is very important to me.
  • edited 19 days ago
    We’re looking into this. If you’re running iOS 15, upgrading to a later version of iOS should fix this.
  • Thanks for the good news. However, not everyone’s iPhone or iPad supports the update to the iOS version larger than 15. I appreciate it if you are able to still support this iOS15.x version.
  • We'll be putting out one more release soon that fixes the crash on iOS 15 in the latest version. After that, we won't be able to support iOS 15 for technical reasons, so you won't receive further updates, but the version you have should continue working for now. (iOS 16 supports devices released from 2017 on, seven years ago.)
  • The crash on iOS 15 should be fixed now in 1.0.44. As mentioned above, this will be the last update made available for iOS 15.
  • Thank you so much @dstillman!
  • Hi everyone
    I also have the same problem and can tell you in advance that holding on icon and opening my library does not help either :(
  • @mkarbalaii: Update to the latest version of the app.
  • I had done that too but it was not working. Did it once again this morning and no my lovely zotero is back also on ipad! Thanks a lot
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