When renaming use et al_ instead of et al._
Dear all,
I want to recreate the ZotFile settings I used when customising the file name format with Zotero7.
If I have a file with multiple creators (e.g., Author, Colleague, and Student) and a long title with subtitle (e.g., This Is The Main Title: Why the subtitle should be removed) I want the resulting file name to be Author et al_2025_This Is The Main Title.pdf
I am struggling with the first part, I haven't attempted the second part yet.
I have tried a small change, based on how I understand the syntax:
{{ firstCreator suffix="_" replaceFrom"." replaceTo""}}
{{ year suffix="_" }}
{{ title truncate="100" }}
This does not work the way I expect at all.
How do I get _both_ parts of my desired outcome?
All the best,
I want to recreate the ZotFile settings I used when customising the file name format with Zotero7.
If I have a file with multiple creators (e.g., Author, Colleague, and Student) and a long title with subtitle (e.g., This Is The Main Title: Why the subtitle should be removed) I want the resulting file name to be Author et al_2025_This Is The Main Title.pdf
I am struggling with the first part, I haven't attempted the second part yet.
I have tried a small change, based on how I understand the syntax:
{{ firstCreator suffix="_" replaceFrom"." replaceTo""}}
{{ year suffix="_" }}
{{ title truncate="100" }}
This does not work the way I expect at all.
How do I get _both_ parts of my desired outcome?
All the best,
I now have Author_2025_This Is The Main Title: Why the subtitle should be removed.pdf for a singular author and Author et al_2025_This Is The Main Title: Why the subtitle should be removed.pdf for two or more authors
{{ if {{ authors match="[^,]+,[^,]+" }} }}
{{ authors max="1" suffix=" et al_" }}
{{ else }}
{{ firstCreator suffix= "_"}}
{{ endif }}
{{ year suffix="_" }}
{{ title truncate="100" }}
It doesn't work when there are editors only. I tried with replacing authors by creators everywhere, but that didn't work as expected.
I still have try to understand how to do the latter part of my desired outcome
I have solved the first part with an elseif clause.
{{ if {{ authors match="[^,]+,[^,]+" }} }}
{{ authors max="1" suffix=" et al_" }}
{{ elseif {{ editors match="[^,]+,[^,]+" }} }}
{{ editors max="1" suffix=" et al_" }}
{{ else }}
{{ firstCreator suffix= "_"}}
{{ endif }}
{{ year suffix="_" }}
{{ title truncate="100" }}
statement to check if there is just one author, something like this:{{ if {{ authors match="^[^,]+$" }} }}
{{ authors suffix="_" }}
{{ elseif {{ authors match="[^,]+,[^,]+" }} }}
{{ authors max="1" suffix=" et al_" }}
{{ elseif {{ editors match="[^,]+,[^,]+" }} }}
{{ editors max="1" suffix=" et al_" }}
{{ else }}
{{ firstCreator suffix= "_"}}
{{ endif }}
A better way of handling various numbers of creators in file renaming is a fairly common request, and we may simplify this in the future. Is this about splitting title and subtitle that you've mentioned in the first post? One way to approach this would be to use a regular expression to match everything up to a first occurrence of ":" character:
{{ title replaceFrom="^((?:[^:])+).*$" replaceTo="$1" }}
Thank you so much.
So far with testing the code I shared seemed to work with singular authors too, but I'll put it in to ensure robustness
> Is this about splitting title and subtitle that you've mentioned in the first post?
yes exactly,
I ended up with "{{ title replaceFrom=":.*" replaceTo=}}", This seemed to work, would you see any issues with that version?