Following arXiv citation format

The preprint arXiv (widely used in physics and mathematics research communities) recommends specific fields (namely, "eprint", "primaryClass", "archivePrefix") to be added to BibTex entries so that information about the preprint can be formatted properly in LaTeX (which is also widely used in those communities). See

A big advantage of following this convention is that citation can include information about both the preprint and the published version of the article. In many communities where the cost of accessing published versions of an article are prohibitive, this facilitates access to research that is available freely on the arXiv.

However, open importing my BibTeX bibliographical database into Zotero I noticed that that information such as a field "eprint = {1912.09410}" was converted into strings of the form "_eprint: 1912.09410" in the "Extra" field (which also often included information about to publisher). Exporting back to BibTex format did not recover the original field structure -- instead the "Extra" field was converted to a "note" field in BibTex.

Is there a way to have Zotero preserve the field structure in the input BibTeX file?
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