Multiple errors
My citations when inserted appear in bold letters, when clicking on add/edit bibliography it doesn`t insert the citations even when marking it in the column on the right. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Zotero, I tried deconnecting the word plug-in by deleting the file zotero.dotm. When reopening Word, the plug-in is still there. Also when opening a new word document it`s still there and doesn`t work. On top of that, everytime I click add/edit bibliography, this appears
If you don't see a full bibliography in your existing document, completely delete whatever bibliography you see and reinsert it.
The "XML Parsing Error" window is harmless (if annoying). We haven't reproduced that ourselves and are still trying to figure out why some people are seeing that.
Where did you delete from? You'll need to find your active Word Startup folder, delete Zotero.dotm from there, and restart Word to confirm that the Zotero tab is gone. Then and only then should you reinstall the plugin.