Section Breaks - Chapters numbering reset - Footnote cross references not working

I am working on a large (400+ page) MS Word document with multiple chapters.

I have inserted section breaks between each chapter in order to have footnotes start renumbering for each new chapter.

But Zotero doesn't refresh or update, so the cross-refences in my footnotes are incorrect (for example it just says "(n 494)" when this reference no longer exists.

Zotero does not distinguish between chapters, and it doesn't automatically provide a full citation the first time a text is cited in a new chapter.

Is there a way to fix this?
  • I'm afraid not really, sorry. Zotero isn't aware of reset note numbering, only the total number from the start.
    But you could create a bibliography, then split the document into chapters, unlink citations and then reassemble. That way, cross-references would only exist within chapters, which is I think what you want
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