Selecting a complete name does not distinguish first and last name anymore

Recently I encountered a bug when adding author names to the informations of an entry. When selecting a full name of an author that has been entered before, Zotero puts both the first and last name into the last name form, leaving the first name form empty. Rest assured that my previous entries properly distinguished between the first and the last name, so it is not because I previously falsely entered the whole name into the last name form. Here is but one example:

1. I want to enter a complete name of an author:

2. Of course I want to select the complete entry:

3. It puts the complete name in the last name form:

  • Which version of Zotero is it and which operating system? Are you using any plugin?
    How do you select the complete entry: click, keyboard selection, Enter, Tab, ...?
    Did you make changes to the name before pressing Enter?
  • Win 11 24H2 26100.2605
    Zotero 7.0.11 64 bit Vanilla w/o plugins
    No changes
  • If you press Enter after selecting the name, do you still see the problem?

    The steps I could find to reproduce on my computer:
    1) Start typing the first letters in the last name field
    2) Click on the name to select
    3) Click outside of Zotero
    -> Both the last name and first name stay in the last name field as you describe:

    This also happens if I modify the text after step 2.

    If I do anything else inside Zotero after step 2, the name is correctly populating the last name and first name fields.

    Is it the same for you, or is it a more general problem in your case?

    Zotero 7.0.12-beta.1+31bbf2acf (64-bit)
    Windows 10
  • sorry for late reply, trying to reproduce the issue again yielded the same result as you describe, so for now it happens when I do not click outside of Zotero. I am sure, however, that when I wrote the initial post, the problem occured when selecting the name with the arrow keys and pressing enter, as this is my default way of manually selecting
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