Using Attanger to move linked files

I'm trying to use Attanger with Zotero 7 to move linked PDFs to a folder that synchronizes with my Google Drive.
It works fine as long as the PDF file meta-data is recognizable, once it's not, it just doesn't move anything...
  • Please report any issue with the plugin to its dev (
  • edited December 18, 2024
    You could also try Zotmoov. While both Attanger and Zotmoov do the same core things that Zotfile did, there are some, mostly minor differences between them. Some features are still evolving. For example Zotmoov has now added "Send To Tablet" functionality (IIRC both plugin devs originally said they wouldn't be doing that).
  • I haven't looked at Zotmoov and attanger on this, but at least with ZotFile, top-level attachments never moved. Do the new add-ons handle that differently?
  • What do you mean top level? I mean a linked all 3 exactly in the same way, for 2 of them zotero created a folder...
    I'm new to zotero, could you explain what send to tablet does?
  • I don't see send to tablet...
  • Those aren't folders. Attachments in Zotero are typically attached to a top-level item. That's the only way you can add metadata (such as author, title, date, etc.) and cite them properly. Where Zotero automatically detects metadata based on the PDF, it creates those automatically, as it did for the first two.
    Where it doesn't, you need to manually do so using right-click --> Create Parent Item.

    (Send to Tablet is only available in zotmoov)
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