PDF View in Chaos
the tables and figures frequently showed in a mess when viewing in zotero, but the same pdf opened in Acrobat shows just normal
It also opens fine in current Firefox and Firefox 115esr, which (I think) Zotero is currently based on, and which uses the same pdf viewer Zotero uses. Sorry if this does not help, but maybe someone else can replicate your issue.
My best guess is this pdf file was somehow corrupted at some point and while Acrobat can handle the mess, pdf.js/Zotero could not.
Have you tried downloading the file again and adding to Zotero?
(Our messages went out at the same time, but please send the original pdf as martynas_b mentioned, so they can investigate if the pdf viewer can be improved.)
This also isn't actually a widespread issue (and, as noted, would affect a whole lot of PDF readers -- everything but Acrobat), so it might be worth investigating if something happens during download (or, if you're not downloading at the publisher, is corrupted at the source) -- as enozkan notes, at least the 2nd file you provided, if downloaded from IEEE, works just fine in Zotero and other readers.