If computer gets stolen, will changing my password prevent changes to my library?
Hey there! I'm traveling to a not-so-safe place and I need to work, so I will be bringing a (beater) laptop with me. I have synced my library to the cloud. I am taking precautions now to remove any personal information/etc from the computer... but if I got separated from my laptop, is it possible that if anyone messes around & deletes local files on the device, it will be reflected in my synced/web library? Will changing my zotero password pause syncing from that device?
I know, it's probably a little silly, thieves don't care about my research... but I'm just covering my bases! Knock on wood, it's all hypothetical.
I know, it's probably a little silly, thieves don't care about my research... but I'm just covering my bases! Knock on wood, it's all hypothetical.
Also, of course, you'll want to have a good external back-up before you go -- you'll always be able to restore from that, overwriting any online changes. https://www.zotero.org/support/zotero_data#backing_up_your_zotero_data