endnote numbering problem -- maybe connected with Word?

Hi, I'm a librarian and I've just been talking with a library user who uses Zotero. She is adding citations to a Word document. The output style is Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics.
She wanted the endnotes to be numbered with Arabic numerals instead of Roman numerals, and we think that she changed that in a Word menu, rather than the Zotero style editor. (At least, we think that's what she did, because in a new file on her computer, the JLME style still has Roman numbers.)
At some point, problems started to arise with the numbering of the endnotes. The endnote numbered 3 might be followed by the endnote numbered 6, for example, with endnote 4 and 5 having disappeared into thin air. (In my own test document, the JLME output style produces endnote i, endnote ii, endnote iii, etc as expected, even when a single endnote cites multiple documents.)
So, we saved a copy of the document and unlinked the citations. She is ready to start manually re-inserting them again with the Zotero menu Add Citation button.


Before I encourage her to do all that work, I want to check -- is the citation numbering problem going to reappear? Does anyone know what might have caused the problem in the first place? Is the endnote number format a real issue or a red herring?

Thanks in advance for your advice!
  • Footnote/endnote numbering is entirely Word -- you can google the issue of skipped numbers (without Zotero), which comes up a bunch, most commonly in the context of track changes. It was most likely not necessary to unlink citations.

    Switching the endnote formatting from Roman to Arabic numbers in Word is the right (and only) way to go.
  • We have a separate copy of the still-linked version, happily. Good to know about the formatting.
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