Zotero: Abbreviating fields after first mention APA7

Hello Zotero Mavens!

APA7 requirement.

I have an author: Episcopal Health Foundation & Kaiser Family Foundation. After the first mention, I would like to shorten this to EHF & KFF automatically. Is there a way to do this, or will I have to adjust each subsequent mention manually?

This is allowed, but not required. However, it would make for better legibility (See APA Publication Manual 7th ed., p. 263/Section 8.21). I'm not sure whether the functionality exists in Zotero?

Does it exist for titles, too?

If it doesn't exist, I wonder whether Zotero would consider adding this functionality?

Thanks for all the help.
  • This is not currently possible in CSL (the language Zotero uses for citation formatting).

    I would recommend entering the authors of the item as the abbreviations and the full organization names as the publisher. If you want, you can manually adjust the first citation to have both—I usually don’t bother with that and just use the abbreviations everywhere in text.
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