create scientia insularum

would it be possible to create the style of this journal? It's a small one from spain about island biology.

these are the instructions:

General instructions for references

Follow the norms of Council of Science Editors ( to cite in the text and for the reference format in the final list.

References in the text

To cited in the text the format surname-year will be used, it consisnt in write the suername of the author of the work follow by the year between parenthesys.


One author: (Hernández 2017).
Two autores: (Fernández-Palacios and Hernández 2017).
Various autores: (Fernández-Palacios et al. 2017).
Organization: (FAO 2010).
Multiple cites: (Ebert 2009; Pearse et al. 2015; Lawrence and Hernández 2017).
Multiple cites of the same author in different years: (Fernández-Palacios 1999, 2000, 2002; Fernández-Palacios et al. 2001, 2002).
Multiple cites of the same author during the same year: (Hernández 2008a; Hernández 2008b; Fernández-Palacios et al. 1999a).
Multiple cites of the same author but with different collaborators: (Hernández, Fernández-Palacios, et al. 2012; Hernández, Afonso, et al. 2012).
Reference list

Authors' first names are rendered as capitals after their surnames: Lessios H, Hernández JC, Ebert TA
The reference list is organized alphabetically by author's last name. When there is more than one work by an author, those works are organized chronologically:
Fernández-Palaciós JM. 2002
Lessios H, Hernández JC, Ebert TA. 2001
Lessios H, Hernández JC, Ebert TA. 2002
Pearse J, Lawrence JM. 2000
For english references: only the first word of a book or article title should be capitalized.
Titles are not italicized. However, species names are italicized.
To save space, journal titles are abbreviated according to the ISO 4 standard, shortening significant words and omitting insignificant words. Read more and search the List of Title Word Abbreviations at
Year of publication and volume number are required for all references to articles. Issue number is strongly recommended. To save space, use no spaces to separate an article's date, volume, and page.

- Book: Hernández JC, Fernández-Palacios JM, deNascimento L, Sangil C. 2050. The Dodo Raphus cucullatus. Laguna (CAN): CAN Press 69 p.
- Book chapter: Fernández-Palacios JM. 2050. Where is the Dodo? En: Hernández JC, deNascimento L, Sangil C, editores. Islands as laboratories. Laguna (CAN): CAN Press. p. 69-169.
- Article: Fernández-Palacios JM, deNascimento L. 2050. We wont find the Dodo´´´ s print. Appl Environ Biol. 69(69):6969-6979.
- Online article: Hernández JC, Fernández-Palacios JM, deNascimento L, Sangil C. 2050. The predatos of poor Dodo`. J Island Sci [Internet]. [cited 12 Sep 2013];69(69). Disponible en:
- Online resorce: Sangil C. 2050. I am the Dodo [Internet]. Madison (WI): University of Wisconsin-Madison; [cited 2059 Sep 12]. Available from am the Dodo.pdf
- Oficial document: Working Group on Dodo´´´ s Diversity Research Workforce (CAN). 2050. Draft report diversity research workforce [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Institutes of Dodo (CAN); [cited 2050 Sep 12]. Available from in the Research Workforce Report.pdf

- Thesis: deNascimento L. 2050. I know where the Dodo is [Tesis doctoral]. University of Laguna. 269 p.
- Symposium: Hernández JC. 2050. I am still looking for the Dodo. Paper presented at: Puerto de La Cruz 69. Proceedings of the 69th Dodo Symposium; Laguna, CAN.
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