Unable to edit tags


When I right click a tag, the dropdown appears. When I click "Rename tag" from the dropdown, the Rename tag popup appears. However, when I try to edit the tag in the text field, I'm only able to delete characters, not add additional ones.

Report ID: 1695198033
  • Start by updating to Zotero 7.
  • Hi, that was a good suggestion, I hadn't done it yet. The update looks nice!

    It unfortunately didn't fix the issue though.
  • Can you provide another Report ID from Zotero 7?

    Are you writing in English? Do you have other input languages enabled?
  • Hi, sorry it's been a few days. I've been finishing up a final paper.

    I tried reproducing it right now, but wasn't able to make it happen again. If it comes up, I'll post back here with the report ID.

    I am writing in English. I sometimes import papers in French and Spanish and so sometimes tags have accents or other characters in them. (ex "AntropologĂ­a" or "poly-É›-caprolactone decomposition")
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