I made a Zotero plugin that returns OpenAlex work ID's

edited December 9, 2024
I made a plugin for Zotero 7 (https://github.com/mtillman14/open-alex-work-id) that queries the OpenAlex (https://openalex.org/) web API to get OpenAlex's work ID from the selected Zotero item(s), using the item's DOI. OpenAlex is the only place I've found that has citation data parsed and freely available via API.

I'm sharing this plugin primarily with developers in mind who may want to build tools that use Zotero and OpenAlex item ID's. For example, I'm planning to build a citation graph tool that shows the map of citations within someone's Zotero library.
  • Great, I love it.
    I'm considering to implement author disambiguation via openAlex based on DOI or WorkID. Do you have any plan to work on something like that?
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