Advanced search: Attachment search for chosen Author not possible?
In advanced search I want to find the instances where an author uses a word. Example: I want to see where "feminism" occurs in all the PDF articles (i.e. Attachments) I have by author David M. Buss.
Advanced search: Match all:
Attachment Content contains feminism
Creator (or Author) contains Buss
-> Nothing found
Now I remove Creator/Author element
Advanced search: Match all:
Attachment Content contains feminism
-> Hundreds(?) found
If I scroll the displayed list I can see 8 articles with Buss as first author. There may be more as second author or hidden in et. al. items. But obviously it is not an empty set.
I also tried to save "Attachment content contains feminism" as a smart search, then did advanced search with that smart search as a chosen collection. Author/Creator returned no hits, although there are several. But e.g. searching a certain word in Title worked.
macOS 14.7.1
Advanced search: Match all:
Attachment Content contains feminism
Creator (or Author) contains Buss
-> Nothing found
Now I remove Creator/Author element
Advanced search: Match all:
Attachment Content contains feminism
-> Hundreds(?) found
If I scroll the displayed list I can see 8 articles with Buss as first author. There may be more as second author or hidden in et. al. items. But obviously it is not an empty set.
I also tried to save "Attachment content contains feminism" as a smart search, then did advanced search with that smart search as a chosen collection. Author/Creator returned no hits, although there are several. But e.g. searching a certain word in Title worked.
macOS 14.7.1
AbeJellinekCheck the "Include parent and child items of matching items" checkbox.
otexploreredited 16 days agoHey wow, that works, thanks! I didn't even reflect upon what the checkbox could mean. I don't see the logic of it, but I guess there must be cases where one would NOT want that to happen.