No file in library due to storage changes

I accidentally found out that I was storing information in the system drive so I tried to copy my information to another drive, however, it is a wrong approach.

Yet, when I tried to direct the data directory location to the new storage folder, the library remains empty. The cache folder is empty too. This is quite unfortunate since I did not store them in sync.
There are sqlite and bak files in my computer and all the pdfs and webpages are stored in storage folder. But I was not able to let zotero recognize them. I turned off pulgins too.
  • See Locating Missing Zotero Data for what to look for and what info we'd need to help.
  • Thanks.

    The SQLite document is around 1,000KB and I believe it is empty, but the my zotero.sqlite.bak document is about 19,132KB.
    I have tried renaming the SQLite document as sqlite.old, but confused about how to use the .bak document.

    Should I change the .bak document to .sql by SQL studio? However, it was not able to restore the .bak data to .SQLite.
  • Zotero reads the file named zotero.sqlite when it starts up. If you want it to use the 19 MB file, it needs to be named zotero.sqlite.
  • Nothing happened, unfortunately. But thank you for your support!
  • I'm not sure what you mean by that. If you place a 19 MB zotero.sqlite file in the correct location, Zotero will read it when it starts up and you'll see your data.
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