Incorrect Casing when importing from file or clipboard

Hi all,
first time forum user, please be kind.

Often times, at least with my work, I see snippets in code repos saying "please cite us as follows", followed by a bibtex snippet. This can be imported into Zotero from the clipboard, which is a great feature. BUT: It appears, the casing of the title is not correct!

Please, first of all, confirm that you have the same issue as I have:

title={{Robot Runner: A Tool for Automatically Executing Experiments on Robotics Software}},
author={Stan Swanborn and Ivano Malavolta},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering},
url= {},

I tried to find the code where the inputs are handled. This is done inside Zotero_File_Interface, which doesn't seem to be open source. I also tried to load this (or other) snippets from a .bib file. This worked, but the casing is also incorrect.

I hope you can help me identify if this is a bug or a feature and help me fix this for myself and other users
  • edited December 1, 2024
    This doesn't happen with default Zotero settings and no plugins, no, though it arguably (probably) is desirable behavior (Zotero, including bib(la)tex export, expects all titles to be in sentence case, see ).

    The linter add-on definitely does this with default settings. I suspect the BetterBibTeX add-on might, too, but haven't checked.

    Edit: And just to avoid confusion, all of Zotero is open source, and this is handled either in the bibtex import translator (that's where BBT would handle it) or handled as an action after import in the linter add-on.
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