No footnote appearing

Hi, I downloaded Zotero on my Lenovo laptop, I have the extensions on Word and on Chrome, the documents I register on my library do appear, so there's definetly a synchronization.
However, when I add a citation on Word, the number of the footnot appears next to my citaton but there's no actual footnote on my page.
What can I do ?
  • What style are you using?
  • I tried them all, the only one that work are:

    - Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note)
    -// (note)
    - Modern Humanities Research Association 4th edition (note with bibliography)

    I'd like to have more options so that it can match my professors' expectations
  • You probably had used a numeric style like IEEE. Thlse produce a number in text and a bibliography at the end.
    Note style utilise Word's footnote system and put the information there.

    Here are all our note styles:
  • Make sure to set the style in the Document preferences in the Zotero toolbar in Word
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