all file disappeared after i changed my Data Directory Location

report ID:569936738

Steps to reproduce:
1. open my Zotero, click Edit and get into setting—advanced
2. then i changed my Data Directory Location from C drive(default) to D drive,
3.i simply by cutting and pasting all the file to the new location,
4.I restart Zotero
5.then the Zotero just liked a new one and My Libaray was cleared
6.i tryed to import my file(in PDF format) but it said 'The selected file is not in a supported format.'

so how can i re-upload my files and make the collection setting come back? it's so terrible.... T . T
  • You either copied the wrong files or put them in the wrong location. See Locating Missing Zotero Data to learn exactly what you're looking for and how to tell if it's in the right place. If you're still having trouble, provide the info requested there.

    Don't try to import anything — you'll likely make things much worse.
  • Great! i finally solved this problem after i saw Locating Missing Zotero Data

    Thank you so much :)
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