When reading and marking pdf in zotero, pages start to flicker/blank 507363874
report error: 507363874
Yesterday evening the article that i was reading started to flicker or dissapearis with loading sign. After updating zotero the issue resolved, but today it reeapeared. Pdfs that i am trying to read are badly flickering and lagging. The reloading sometimes works sometimes dont.
Yesterday evening the article that i was reading started to flicker or dissapearis with loading sign. After updating zotero the issue resolved, but today it reeapeared. Pdfs that i am trying to read are badly flickering and lagging. The reloading sometimes works sometimes dont.
Will try to use online zotero in the meantime, and wait for another update, or consider downgrading zotero app.
The video is on wetransfer showcasing the loading problems on a few papers.