Editors of Book and pages missing in Book Section bibliography

Sorry if this question has been aswered before, I am not able to find it in the forum.

I have a book section, added book section title and book title, added author of the book section, added the editors of the book (here only the option to choose editor, not book editor). When I create my bibliography, the book editors don't show, and pages are also missing.

Csulich, Gabriela. 2023. In Solidarity Economy - a concept for the 21st century or “peninsulas against the current”? Waxmann Verlag.

Could you please help me to fix this? Thanks.
  • edited November 27, 2024
    Which citation style,?
  • Chicago Style (author, date)
  • Correctly entered data will give you this in Chicago author-date style

    Csulich, Gabriela. 2023. “Solidarity Economy - a concept for the 21st century or ‘peninsulas against the current.’” In Partizipation: Das Zusammenwirken der vielen für Demokratie, Wirtschaft und Umwelt, edited by Judith Fritz and Nino Tomaschek, 117–26. Münster; New York: Waxmann.


    How are you creating the bibliography exactly? Could you be using a duplicate item with incorrectly entered metadata?
  • Hello Adam Smith,

    thank you, I have entered the data exactly as you have. I had used the zotero Plug-in to download the information, but that downloaded the entire book. Then I changed it manually to what you have entered here as well.
  • Test this in a fresh document, selecting Chicago, only citing this document and then creating a bibliography.
    You can then try to remove the other faulty citation in your text and reinsert it.
  • Great, this worked! Thanks.
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